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The Tokuwela Morotai Festival, staged by 2022 traditional dancers, has set a World Record.

14 Mei 2022 | Mei 14, 2022 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2022-05-14T13:03:05Z

Aspirasijabar | morotai - The Tokuwela Morotai Festival, staged by 2022 traditional dancers, has set a World Record. Saturday May 14, 2022.

This traditional dance from various tribes in North Maluku is packaged into a Colossal Dance that involves elements of the community, TNI, Satpol PP, Civil Servants (PNS) and students throughout Morotai Island Regency as many as 2022 participants.

The Manager of the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI), Andre Purwandono, after watching the Tokuwela Morotai Festival Peak Festival which took place at Ex Sail, Juanga Morotai Selatan Village, expressed his gratitude to the Regent of Morotai, Benny Laos for his services during his tenure.

"Today the MURI Record Team is a witness to the creation of a new record, for that, thank you, Mr. Regent for his services so far," said Andre

The Tokuwela dance, which will be staged by 2022 dancers, has been officially recorded at the Indonesian World Record Museum," he continued.

According to him, the Tokuwela Dance is a culture that belongs to Indonesia, therefore, the MURI Record Team is proud to award and bestow the Tokuwela Dance as a World Record to the Morotai Regency Government (Pemkab).

Furthermore, MURI Manager Andre Purwandono presented the Indonesian World Record Museum Award Certificate to the Regent of Morotai accompanied by Expert Staff for Crisis Management at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) RI Fadjar Hutoma, Artists and Musicians Anang Hermansyah and Ashanty, Expert Staff for the Governor of North Maluku, Andrias Thomas, Member The DPD RI for the Malut Region and the Deputy Regent Asrun Padoma, the Deputy Mayor of Ternate Jasri Usman, and the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Morotai Island PKK TP.

Before that, at the beginning of the peak of the Tokuwela Morotai Festival, Regent Benny Laos explained that the Tokuwela Morotai Festival featured the culture of the tribes in North Maluku, especially the revival of the Tokuwela dance from the Galela Tribe.

Tokuwela is a symbol of unity that is inseparable from the slogan of the Morotai Island Regency 'Podiki de Porigaho'. Tokuwela is also a collaboration of various ethnic groups, religions, races combined in one goal to welcome special guests

Tokumela which means walking on hands. This means that we are able to provide the best service for everyone who comes to Pulau Morotai Regency, as a serving and innovative Regency," said Benny

He believes that the wealth of cultural treasures that have been displayed can become the pulse in daily life, so that the Morotai Island Regency can be used as the new 10th Bali Tourism District.

In addition, the Tokuwela Morotai Festival has also been officially designated in the National Karisma event Nusantara calendar by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative.Economy of the Republic of Indonesia.

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