Ketupat Operation of the Morotai Island Police Station held a Traffic Flow Control and Mask Distribution Event to the community in Seputaran City of Daruba, South Morotai District, Morotai Island Regency. Sunday, May 3, 2020 The Ketupat Operation was directly led by in plain sight
AKP Zainuddin Bin Ali and attended by Morotai Island Police Precinct Preventive Task Force Members in order to provide security and comfort to motorists and pedestrians. In addition, in plain sight also appealed to the public to avoid the crowd for a while to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus in the Morotai Island Police jurisdiction. The Ketupat Operation route includes, around 16:15 a.m., Preventive Task Force Members, implementing Traffic Flow Management in front of the Daruba terminal market while distributing masks to the public. At that place, Preventive Task Force Members also appealed to residents to use masks and temporarily do not gather and return home immediately if there is no urgent interest in order to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus.
At 4:45 pm, Preventive Task Force Members again distributed masks to the community at the Tugu Proklamasi intersection and appealed to the public to use masks, stay away from the crowd, if there were no interests urging them to return to their homes immediately. After that, at 17:10 Wit, Preventive Task Force Members, seven of Morotai Island Mapolres Front precisely on the highway, to do the same activity of distributing masks to the community and urged people to use masks and stay away from the crowd.(oje)